Demonstrate the Financial Value of Your Work
Impact - Monitoring and Evaluation
Demonstrate the Financial Value of Your Work
This course will look at different ways to demonstrate the financial value of your work, focusing on Social Return on Investment (SROI) as a mechanism for demonstrating your value in financial terms. The course covers the pros and cons of...
Describe the difference your work makes
Impact - Monitoring and Evaluation
Describe the difference your work makes
This course will demystify common evaluation jargon around outcomes, outputs and impact and increase confidence in articulating project outcomes clearly to funders. Attendees will develop an understanding of how the CES Planning Triangle ©...
Evaluation with Microsoft Excel
Impact - MS Excel
Evaluation with Microsoft Excel
This course will cover methods for using Excel to evaluate your service. Learners will learn to prepare data by formatting datasets ready for analysis, including how to merge two datasets. The course will cover analysing data, including some...
Introduction to Microsoft Excel
Impact - MS Excel
Introduction to Microsoft Excel
This course will cover basic Excel skills, providing a foundation through which you can start to understand your data. It will look at how to navigate around an Excel Spreadsheet, understand cell references, input and format data, apply filters...
National Quality Standards with On Track
On Track: National Quality Standards
National Quality Standards with On Track
The Women’s Aid National Quality Standards (NQS) form a set of accredited criteria through which dedicated specialist services addressing domestic abuse perpetrated against women and children can evidence their quality. This free course has...
On Track Staff Training
On Track
On Track Staff Training
This course will cover all the day-to-day uses of OASIS with On Track. The course begins with a discussion of what On Track is and the differences between OASIS and On Track. The training will then walk through how to navigate the system and...
Outcomes Measurement in On Track
On Track
Outcomes Measurement in On Track
Become familiar with the outcomes measurement and monitoring tools available in On Track and how to create reports to show outcomes of support, services and programmes. This course will mainly focus on the POWeR Forms, Negative Capture, Feedback...
Reporting with On Track
On Track
Reporting with On Track
This course aims to provide an overview and build your confidence in using OASIS On Track's Report Wizard. The course breaks down the Reporting Wizard into 5 steps, walking through the reporting process and enabling you to gain experience in...
Routes to Support User Training
Routes to Support
Routes to Support User Training
This free course introduces you to the Routes to Support system, providing an interactive learning experience to complement the Routes to Support User Guide and tips for making the most of the resource. The course begins with a discussion of what...
Show Off Your Data
Impact - Monitoring and Evaluation
Show Off Your Data
This course will explore ways to present data to audiences, how to map and target different stakeholders and how visuals and graphics can be used to enhance reporting and messaging by presenting statistical information or data in engaging...

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